Can Trees Cause Problems with Plumbing?

If you’re on this page of our website it is likely that you already have a plumbing problem and are trying to determine whether or not a tree may have caused your plumbing problems. The tree itself is not the root of your plumbing problems, but tree roots may be. Plumbers will be the first ones to tell you that tree roots are the most common obstruction in main sewer lines. The sewer line in your home is responsible for carrying all wastewater from your property. When there is a clog in your main sewer line, your entire home can become a plumbing disaster.

Why do Tree Roots Cause a Problem with Sewer Lines?

A new study by the University of Western Australia has shown that tree roots use sound vibrations to locate water. It’s no secret that water is scarce in the Tucson area. Therefore, native trees are more likely to seek out water sources. The sound of running water in sewer lines and water supply lines acts like a homing beacon for tree roots that need more water. You’re probably wondering how something as big as a tree root can make it’s way into a pipe. The large roots of the tree are not what actually penetrate the pipe. A tree’s roots systems are made up of different types of roots. The permanent roots are the largest roots of a tree that are used to anchor the tree and transport nutrients. The other root types are much smaller and include secondary, lateral, sinker, and oblique. In addition to those root types, roots have what are referred to as root hairs. Root hairs are responsible for seeking out water an transporting water to the larger roots. Tree roots will wrap around any plumbing line that contains moving water including sewer lines. Once roots make contact with a pipe, root hairs will look for any small crack in the pipe to infiltrate. Any small void in a pipe can be the doorway that tree root hairs need to begin infiltrating your plumbing pipes. When tree root hairs ultimately make their way into the pipe they will branch out as much as possible within the pipe. If the tree roots have infiltrated the main sewer line any material such as toilet paper or other waste will start to get caught in the tree root hairs within the pipe. Once materials start to get caught up on the tree root hairs, a full main sewer line blockage may take place. When you have a main sewer line blockage, waste can backup and overflow from your drains and toilet into your home. The most extensive and costly type of water damage is caused by wastewater.

How to Prevent Tree Roots from Entering your Sewer Lines

The first step to keeping tree roots for causing damage to your sewer lines is to know where the sewer lines are located on your property. Once you know where your sewer lines are located, you can then determine how far away trees are from the sewer line. The closer a tree is to the sewer line, the more likely you are to have tree roots interfere with your sewer line. The best thing you can do if you feel tree roots are the culprit behind your plumbing problems is to call a tree removal expert. A trustworthy local plumbing company will help you determine the extent of your plumbing problems, but ultimately a tree removal expert will be able to help you to reduce the odds the tree roots penetrating your plumbing pipes again.

Call Your Local Tree Removal Expert

Call Tucson Tree Removal Service for all of your tree removal and tree trimming needs. Our extensive knowledge and experience dealing with troublesome trees has allowed us to help countless property owners in the Tucson area resolve their issues caused by trees and tree roots. We look forward to hearing with you.